Lev Drobyazko's uncle, father's brother, Anatoly Drobyazko.

Lev Drobyazko's uncle, father's brother, Anatoly Drobyazko.

My father's brother, Anatoly Drobyazko. My uncle was born in 1896 in the town of Ostrog. He was in the military. This photo was taken in 1916 in Kiev. (He was not Jewish) Anton Drobyazko and Maria Lebova had two children: Yevgeny, my father, and Anatoly. Even though both had a good education, their social orientation was quite different. The Civil War which followed the Revolution of 1917 split that family. Just like his parents, my father was also loyal to the Revolution, embraced it and everything it brought. Anatoly however rejected the Revolution and actively fought against it. He was a White Guard officer, graduated from the military school of the White Guard. He was reported missing in 1919 during his fight against the proletariat.
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