Lazar Aroyo with his wife Rosa Aroyo

Lazar Aroyo with his wife Rosa Aroyo

This is a photo of my brother Lazar Aroyo and his wife Rosa Aroyo taken in 1967 in the Ma?abarot kibbutz.

My brother Lazar sent us photos from Israel very often. His wife was born in Bulgaria in the town of Yambol. She was a teacher in Hebrew. She also knew very much about Bulgarian literature. She recited poems by the famous Bulgarian poets Ivan Vazov, Pencho Slaveykov, Dimcho Debelyanov and other contemporary poets such as Nikolay Liliev. She knew many poems by Yavorov and Nikola Vaptsarov. When she would send me a card, she would always add some poem.

I was in my brother Lazar's kibbutz - the Ma'abarot kibbutz. He had a service station for machines. There were cars, harvesters, tractors and other agricultural machines in the garage, which were given to them by the state and had to be maintained. There were some people who were in charge of that there. My brother was building his house at that time. They lived in some kinds of sheds - big wooden houses, made of some material, which was very good. My brother had a bedroom, a corridor and a dining-room. Everything was very modern. The kitchens were small, but comfortable; they had everything - a refrigerator, freezers, dishwashers. I was also impressed by the organization and life in the kibbutz. Everyone worked what he or she could do best.

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