Ietti Meer, Sumer Ciubotaru and Simon Meer

Ietti Meer, Sumer Ciubotaru and Simon Meer

In this photo I am on the right side, in the middle is my wife Ietti and to the left is the brother of my wife, Ciubotaru Sumer.

The photo was taken on the 15th of September, 1947 in Dorohoi at the Taslich ceremony.

I don’t remember who took the photo, probably an amateur who was also participating at the Taslich ceremony. I was a close friend with Sumer, my wife’s brother.

We all went together for the Taslich ceremony, where we took this photo.

It was a traditional habit: The next day was rosh ha Shana. We all went to river, where the pockets were shaken and all that was in the pockets was thrown in to the water. In purpose cleaning the sins been committed during the year.

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