Elka Vinograd and her brothers Haim and Anchel

Elka Vinograd and her brothers Haim and Anchel

My sister Elka Vinograd and our two brothers: Haim Muchnik, my older brother, is on the right, and Anchel Muchnik is on the left. This photo was taken in Orhei in the early 1920s.

After their wedding my parents lived in my grandfather Joiseph’s house. In 1908 Mama gave birth to a girl. She named her Elka. My older brother Haim was born in 1910, and in 1915 my second brother, named Anchel after my deceased grandfather, came into this world. My mother had no other children for a long time before I was born on 18th September 1923.

Our family was rather wealthy: I guess the store brought good profits. However, there were no luxuries at our home.

Our family observed all traditions and celebrated holidays. The children in our family were raised in accordance with Jewish traditions.

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