Chasia Spanerflig with the amateur choir of the shoe factory, where she worked

Chasia Spanerflig with the amateur choir of the shoe factory, where she worked

This is me, Chasia Spanerflig, the fourth from the right in a polka-dot dress with the amateur choir of our shoe factory. Next to me are the workers of the factory: on the left is Olga Kunis. She worked with the tool machine and next to her is Maria, a stamp operator. I don’t remember who was next to her. To my right is Tatiana from the planning department with Maria Gittis, a seamstress. The picture was taken in the assembly hall of the factory in Vilnius in the 1960s.

Right after the war I worked as an accountant in the communications department. Then Mikhail Brantsovskiy, who was a chief engineer at a shoe factory, offered me a job. First, I was a rate setter, then I worked for the planning department. Later I finished courses, while working at the factory. I was promoted to chief of the Human Resources and salary department. I was very actively involved in trade-union work, amateur performances, singing in the choir, no matter what position I had. 

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